TLS 1.2 Handshake - An explanation

An effort to understand and explain TLS, at the right level of abstraction


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My aim was to understand TLS v1.2, at an abstraction level that is above the bare bones Alice / Bob sketch, and at one that is below the fully detailed IETF specification, RFC 5246. The article First few Milliseconds of HTTPS came close also, but unfortunately dealing with RSA and RC4, it was really really outdated!

There was one video which came close to the ideal, but I wanted more detail. So, I decided to write my own.

Who should read this?

This explanation is specifically aimed at people who have taken a basic course in cryptography covering the fundamentals of some of the common public-key cryptosystems that are commonly used today (RSA, DHE, and a little bit of ECC). More specifically, if you know the mathematics of these, then you are good to go:

Thorough, on-your-finger-tips knowledge is not required. If you know enough to make sense of what the paremeters of each of these are and what the goal of each is, then you should be able to understand this explanation. (I feel into this set before I started writing this explanation, if that helps!) If you are doubtful about whether you know enough, delve into Flow and you will find out! :)

New Session Negotiation

How to read this explanation?

n. Message Name

pre-conditions for this message being sent

Purpose: An informal purpose of the message

  a structure of how the message would look like in a presentation language
  (with annotations for some variables, if required)


This is a flow of the handshake for a new session negotiation between a client and a server. The client is generally a modern browser. The server might be something like Nginx, Apache etc.

Before we begin, let’s state the goal of this handshake.

Goal: To share a master secret between the client and the server, when the only communication channel that is available to them is insecure and might have talented, determined eavesdroppers who would like to implement a MITM attack and hijack the connection the server and the client have.

(This master secret will be used to encrypt the traffic that passes between the client and the server using a symmetric cryptosystem, such as AES.)

1. Client Hello


Client —–> Server

Purpose: Hey, I want to make a new connection. This is the TLS version I am using, a list of cipher suites I support, a list of compression methods I support and some extensions I would love to have. Let’s begin?

Optional: Back in the day, we connected with a session ID session_id, if you have those settings cached, then let’s continue with that. Saves both of us some work. Smile, smile.

  { time, random_bytes[28] }, 
  session_id?, /* optional */

2. Server Hello:


Server —–> Client

Purpose: Hey! Sure. I saw your list. Let’s continue with this TLS version, a cipher suite and a compression method from your list that I support. I generated some random bytes for use later, a session ID that you can use for resumption in a separate connection, and some extensions.

  { time, random_bytes[28] },

3. Server Certificate

if this connection is NOT anonymous

i.e. the selected cipher_suite does not start with DH_anon

Server —–> Client

Purpose: I am attaching a trust chain of certificates that I think you will be able to verify and trust me with. My certificate might have some parameters for the key exchange we will perform later.

  List of X.509v3 certificates in ASN.1 that represent a trust chain

The first certificate in the list must be the destination server’s. It should contain the following information, based on the type of key exchange and signature algorithms, defined by the cipher_suite:

Cryptosystem Certificate MUST contain
DSA { DSA_pub_key }
Diffie-Hellman { g, p, Ys} where Ys = g ^ x (mod p)
Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman ECDH capable public key, per the TLSECC spec
Diffie-Hellman Ephemeral or EC-DHE Nothing specific

4. Server Key Exchange

if this connection is going to be negotiated through DHE or DH_anon

i.e this connection is DHE, ECDHE or DH_anon

Server —–> Client

Purpose: For the cipher suite that we agreed on, the certificate I sent you didn’t have all the data. So, here are some of the other parameters that you will need for our key exchange.

  { g, p, Ys },
  DH params signed with client_random[32], server_random[32] -> if not DH_anon

client_random = ClientHello.random server_random = ServerHello.random

Each Hello message’s random struct contains a 4-byte gmt_unix_time and a 28-byte random_bytes field.

5. Certificate Request

if the server would like to let only certified clients perform handshakes

Dropped in this explanation

Server —–> Client

Purpose: Actually, I only allow clients that hold a valid certificate, so I need to have a look at your certificate. Please send it over.

6. Server Hello Done


Server —–> Client

Purpose: My part of the Hello is done, I will wait for your response.

{ }

7. Client Certificate

If the server requested a certificate and the client intends to comply

Dropped in this explanation

Client —–> Server

Purpose: I see that you asked for my certificate. Here it is.

8. Client Key Exchange

Required. Although, this message might be empty if the cipher_suite and Client certificate implicitly provide the DH parameters to the server

Client —–> Server

Purpose: Here are the parameters you need from me for a succesful key exchange.

Depending on whether the server certificate was RSA or DH, there are two paths here:

9. Certificate Verify

Dropped in this explanation

Client —–> Server

Purpose: I sent you my certificate before, this message will help you explicitly verify that certificate. I hope you trust me now!

Notes: After CKE has been transmitted, both the client and the server have the pre-master secret. Using this pre-master secret, both parties can now compute the master_secret which will be used for bulk encryption.

After this computation is complete, each party must send a ChangeCipherSpec and a Finished message to the other party (i.e Client -> Server and Server -> Client). The client might send the CCS and Finished messages in the same frame as the CKE.

10. Change Cipher Spec

Required. Sent when the master secret has been calculated.

Client —–> Server

Server —–> Client

Purpose: I have calculated the master secret, the next message I send you will be encrypted with that master secret. See you on the other side!

{ 1 }

This message indicates a “bridge” where the sender is moving from public-key encryption to a symmetric bulk-encryption algorithm.

Note: This is not a handshake message and shouldn’t be treated as such when calculating the hash in the Finished message

11. Finished

Required. Sent after the CCS message.

Client —–> Server

Server —–> Client

Purpose: This message is encrypted with the new master_secret that we just negotiated. If you can decrypt, verify and validate it, we can hand the baton over to the application layer!

  PRF(master_secret, finished_label, Hash(handshake_msgs))[0...verify_data_len]

This handshake message is the first message that is encrypted with the just negotiated master_secret and signals that the handshake has been completed successfully by the sending party.

verify_data_len is 12 octets by default, but might change on the basis of the negotiated the cipher suite.

Once a party has recieved the other party’s Finished message, validated it and sent it’s own Finished message, it might start sending application data encrypted using the just negotiated master_secret.

12. Bulk Encryption at the Application Layer begins


Abbreviation Full-form
CH Client Hello
SH Server Hello
SC Server Certificate
SKE Server Key Exchange
CR Certificate Request
SHD Server Hello Done
CC Client Certificate
CKE Client Key Exchange
CV Certificate Verify
CCS Change Cipher Spec
DH Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange
ECDH Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange
DH_anon Anonymous Diffie-Hellman (messages aren’t authenticated)
DHE Ephemeral DH
ECDHE Ephemeral ECDH
RSA Rivest, Shamir, Adleman public key cryptosystem



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Licensed under MIT.

Copyright (C) 2017 Siddharth Kannan [email protected]